Youth: The Game Changer

Youth: The Game Changer

Photo by Fox Youth, the game changer, is often faced with the generational question: What can they do to change the world? This is one question young people ask these days. Young adults want to change the world, they are commonly aware of relevant issues that affect...

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3 Ways To Engage Youth As Nation Builder

3 Ways To Engage Youth As Nation Builder

Photo by Mikhail Nilov Engaging youth as nation-builders can be a crucial strategy whether a nation is brand-new or thousands of years old. It is a given fact that the youth of any country is a great asset. They are indeed the country's future and represent it at any...

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5 Skills Teens Need In Life>

5 Skills Teens Need In Life>

Photo by Anna Nekrashevich Today's responsible teenager has the potential to blossom and grow into a successful citizen tomorrow. It takes no time for kids to grow into teens and then adults and have a life and personality. However, kids may have to fly the nest for a...

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